We Multiply

by Krystal Gibson on August 28, 2024

This month, we've been focusing on the four core values at Bay Life Church: we worship, we serve, we belong, and this week, we multiply. If you’ve been with us for any length of time, you’ve likely heard our mission statement, which captures this concept beautifully: “We live to glorify God by being disciples who make disciples.”

Yet, many in the church struggle with how to live this out practically, and that’s understandable. If you've never been shown how to walk with Christ or cultivate a deep, authentic relationship with Him, it can feel impossible to guide someone else along that path.

In the early days of my walk with the Lord, the pastor’s wife at my first church took me under her wing. She discipled me—though at the time, I wouldn’t have used that word, nor would I have known what it meant. She taught me how to read the Bible, helped me understand the Holy Spirit’s vital role in every believer’s life, and showed me how to pray, both in private and in public. But most importantly, she taught me how to live and love like Jesus by the way she lived her own life—whether at church, at home, or when no one was watching.

Her selfless investment in me, flowing from her own relationship with Jesus, radically transformed my life. It helped me begin to discover my true identity in Christ and my unique purpose: to help other women recognize, embrace, and walk in their identity in Christ. I want them to deeply know who they are and Whose they are, and let that knowledge transform how they live.

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He left us with a command—not a suggestion:

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:18-20 (emphasis added)

So, how do we multiply? 

I firmly believe we were never meant to do life alone. God places amazing people in our lives to strengthen, sharpen, encourage, and comfort us. We begin by praying for God to send us people who will pour into us, as my pastor’s wife did with me. We must be open to correction, aware of our shortcomings, and ask the Holy Spirit to give us hearts that long to obey and align with God’s will. I think it’s important to add here that having this heart posture will ensure we are seeking to emulate Jesus and make disciples of Him, not disciples of ourselves. 

Next, we enter into an intentional, authentic relationship with that person. Plan to meet regularly—actually put it on the calendar, or it won’t happen. Make it a priority. Weekly meetings are ideal, but biweekly meetings are better than not meeting at all. Discuss what you want to study together; the Gospel of John is a wonderful place to start. It clearly shows Jesus’ divinity and helps us grasp who He really is.

From the beginning, understand that the goal of this relationship is for you to go then and enter into another intentional, authentic relationship—discipleship—with those God places before you. In this, too, you must be intentional. An important note: you don’t need to be perfect or have all the answers to disciple someone else. If you don’t know something, one of the most powerful things you can do is be honest and work together to find the answer.

The aim here isn’t perfection but progress. We are constantly being refined and transformed. Scripture reminds us, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17). Timothy also teaches us that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

This relationship must go beyond shallow, surface-level conversations that characterize so many worldly friendships. We must be willing to dive deep, sharing our deepest fears, struggles with sin, and questions about faith. One of my dearest friends often says of our relationship, “We don’t ever just talk about the weather.” We’ve joked about making shirts that say something to that effect and calling it a club. But when we’re all-in with our relationship with Christ and the people around us, we won’t be satisfied with casual conversations about the weather or the latest news. We will crave depth, meaning, connection, and encouragement. And honestly, I need people in my life who will call me out when I’m not living in step with the woman God created me to be.

Start today—don’t wait. Find your people and do life with them in a way that transforms each of you into Christ’s likeness and motivates you to pour into someone else’s life. Discipleship doesn’t end; it evolves as we do. God will continue placing people in your path to show them the Way. Every person you meet has been placed in your life on purpose by a God who orchestrates every moment of every day. Seek Him diligently, and live your life to glorify Him by being a disciple who makes disciples.

Tags: values, discipleship, multiply

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