Beyond the Election

As we navigate another election season, I have become acutely aware of how divisive we can be towards each another. Regardless of the candidate’s past accomplishments or failures, there is the constant bashing of people, parties, and differing beliefs. However, I am not here to tell you anything political; I want to remind you of something more important.
In my job as a Care Pastor, I have had the opportunity to be a part of, and perform, funeral services for more families in the last four months than I have in the past eight years of ministry combined.
One thing that sticks out in all of these services and time spent with families is a truth that goes beyond politics, sports, entertainment, and social media.
These people are not remembered for who they voted for, who their favorite team was, what movies they enjoyed watching, or how many "likes" or friends they got on their social media accounts. Instead, they are remembered for their time spent with family and friends, for the sacrifices they made for those in need, for their faith and what it meant to them, and for how they strived to live it out the best they could. They are remembered for their bravery, courage, determination, character, love, kindness, and generosity.
With these things in mind, I offer you the thoughts I sometimes share at the end of a funeral procession:
"(Person's name) will be remembered, by all, as a person who loved their family and loved their faith. We’ve taken some time to be reminded of this, through the stories told and the memories shared. As you look to the future, we are reminded that there is no guarantee for how long we will live. How will you choose to live your life? What legacy will you leave behind? Will you make the most of every opportunity to love the family and friends God has put in your life? Will you live your life for yourself, or will you live your life for Jesus Christ? These are the types of things we want people to remember of us. We should all be challenged to live a life like theirs. A life that’s remembered for as long as we live on this earth.
My challenge for anyone still reading this is to consider: What impact are you making in the world? How are you striving to make a difference in the way you love, respect, and honor others? Regardless of whether you agree with everything I believe in my faith and relationship with Christ, I hope you can also see that I am not perfect and would never claim to be. I cannot change anyone's attitude, thinking, or actions. All I can do is make decisions about how I live my life.
My hope is, that as I walk through my time on earth, I do my best to love others, share the truth, and allow for Grace. To love, honor, respect, and cherish my wife and our son. To live in a way that glorifies Christ and not myself, and strive to help others in ways that I can. I want to be remembered as a man who loved Christ and honored Him (Matt 22:37). As a husband, who loved his wife and put her ahead of himself (Eph 5:25-28). As a dad, who would do anything for his son and raise him the best I can (Eph 6:4). And as a person who tried to care for the needs of others (Matt 22:39).
How do you want to be remembered? How are you striving to make that happen?