Don’t we have enough to do in our own backyard?
Yes and…
Every single workday, I am confronted with the overwhelming need in our community.
Families living in their cars, seniors facing eviction, and the chronically homeless looking for a shower.
But every single day, I am encouraged that I attend a church that supports organizations like ECHO, Hope for Her, and Family Promise.
I am buoyed when I greet a volunteer from the Seeds of Faith garden who is dropping off fresh produce at our food pantry.
I am indeed grateful for the support of Bay Life.
But, as I make my way to serve in the Missions Cafe most Sunday mornings, I am often pulled into a familiar conversation…
“Hey Eleanor, I think it’s incredible what you are doing over at ECHO!
We don’t need to go to Africa; we have enough need right here in our own backyard.”
Often, they are not prepared for my response: "Oh, but we do! We do need to go, and we do need to help here."
It is a both/and.
Jesus left us with a both/and.
We are called to go.
In Acts 1:8, in his final words to his disciples, Jesus’ parting shot was this:
But, you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
While it is absolutely imperative for Bay Life to serve its “Jerusalem,” to focus only on our own community is simply not living out the fullness of Christ’s vision for his church.
So, beyond our own backyard, what is our equivalent to Judea?
Is there an issue plaguing our state where Bay Life can shine the light of Christ?
Absolutely yes.
Over 22,000 children are currently trapped in the foster care system.
2,500 of those children in Hillsborough County alone!
Did you know that Bay Life activates care teams to support our foster families?
Our “Judea” has great need.
What about our Samaria?
Is there a subset of neighbors within our immediate community who are in great need yet culturally different from us?
Yes. The chronically homeless, the farmworker families, and those recently released from prison.
All arrive on the doorsteps of Hope for Her, ECHO, and Family Promise.
Did you know that Bay Life supplies volunteers, financial support, overnight accommodations, and job training?
Our “Samaria” has great need.
And finally, the outermost parts of the earth.
What can we do there?
Can we equip the leaders so that they, in turn, can reach their Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria?
Our college students serve in France, encouraging the Christian minority there.
Bay Life teachers are sent to Uganda to equip pastors.
Our men's ministry serves in Central America through prayer, support, and evangelism.
Bay Life partners with the Village of Hope in Uganda where God transforms children of war to children of hope.
Our church supports missionary families in Asia, Europe, and closed Muslim nations.
The “ends of the earth” have great need.
So, yes…the need is great in our own backyard.
And, yes…the need is great in our state, in our country, and in our world.
Jesus commands us to be his witnesses here, there, and over there!
For some of us, like myself, our hearts will especially break for our Jerusalem.
There will be others of us who will feel the tug acutely for children in the foster care system, the homeless, the struggling pastors of Uganda, or our missionary families.
But, the important thing is that we go.
To Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the outermost parts of the earth!