We’ve spent the first month of our Sunday gatherings in this new year talking about God’s call to every Christ follower to “go and make disciples.” This has been, is, and will be our mission until Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom, or we have “shuffled off this mortal coil.” (How about your pastor dropping some Shakespeare like a boss right there? Hamlet, I believe. Yes, I had to look it up.)
Making disciples of all people (locally, regionally, globally) is the heart of the Christian mission. Having been tasked to write this blog on said mission, I’m compelled to comment on the two major components of disciple making in this space allotted to me. So let’s go (pun intended)!
Our mission is twofold—it starts with evangelism (sharing the good news of salvation through Christ) and proceeds to discipleship (helping believers grow in their faith and obedience).
Evangelism, as many reading this already know, is the act of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life. This gospel is the core message that we Christians are called to proclaim. The disciples took this command seriously in the early church, spreading the message across the Roman Empire. Today, the spread of the Gospel continues to take place through various means: personal evangelism, church planting, media outreach, and a myriad of other vehicles. Regardless of form, the focus remains - every Christian is called to be involved in evangelism, however, God dictates and allows.
Living out the gospel through actions and sharing it in words enables us to be effective witnesses to the truth of Christ. Every one of us is a “sent one” (an apostle), tasked with the responsibility of making Christ known in our homes, at our work, in our neighborhoods, and wherever God gives us opportunity. He has strategically placed us where we are and amongst those who surround us. Each of us will be able to share with and reach people that the rest of us may never meet. We need to be ready to be someone’s missionary when God gives us the chance to speak His name.
Globally speaking, there are (too) many places around the world where people have yet to hear the name of Jesus. According to estimates from the Joshua Project, around 2 billion people are part of unreached people groups where the gospel has had minimal or no impact. For these groups, fulfilling the Great Commission takes all of us. God calls some among us to literally uproot and go to those who have never encountered the gospel in their own language or context. But every believer, through prayer and financial support, should be partners with them as they serve God in this way.
If evangelism introduces people to our gospel and invites them into a faith relationship with Christ, then what follows in that person’s life is the process we Christians most commonly call discipleship. Once transformed by saving faith, lifelong discipleship begins. Discipleship is most effective when believers enter into a commitment to mutually benefit each other in their relationship with God. You’ve undoubtedly noted that the deepening of disciples is the chief aim of most church programs. The modern church model creates and staffs children’s and student ministries, encourages life groups, and offers one-on-one discipleship relationships to those seeking to grow more. We are blessed here at Bay Life to have great leaders and servants committed to discipling our people in these various ways. (My thanks to all who fit that bill as you read this!)
But allow me to drill down on the importance of organic (unplanned, unintended) discipleship. I’d argue that organic discipleship has the most significant impact on the development of fellow believers. The Christ life is almost always “more caught than taught,” with every word and deed setting some kind of example for those around us. As a young pastor, one of my mentors had a favorite saying that helped me remember the importance of this form of discipleship. He’d say, “Mark, we cannot not communicate.” Our lives always say something to those around us—it’s just how things work with humans. So let’s be careful with how we live by being careful with our choices, knowing that they have the power to point people to Christ or away from Him.
Whether organized or organic (taught or caught), discipleship is the engine that ultimately powers and propels the Great Commission. Without it, evangelism would produce shallow conversions that never lead to lasting change. Teaching new believers to observe all that Jesus has commanded—love, forgiveness, humility, and service—helps build a strong foundation of faith that can weather the trials and challenges of life.
But let’s be clear—a discipleship that settles for mere personal growth and comfort is incomplete. We need to be encouraging each other to be bold. We are God’s good news ambassadors to a world without Him, His chief agents in drawing others into life with Him. This may mean giving up comfort, time, or resources to serve in His mission. It could mean standing up for Christ in the face of opposition or taking bold steps of faith to reach those who have never heard the gospel. But the reward—seeing lives transformed by the gospel and souls saved for eternity—is worth every sacrifice.
So, how will we respond to the call of the Great Commission? Will we go, pray, give, and teach so that the nations may know the love of Christ? The world is waiting. The task is urgent. The opportunity is now. Let’s be on mission as His sent ones for the glory of God and the salvation of the nations.