Do Faith in God and Science Contradict?

by Brian Pete on February 26, 2025

As a high school pastor, I wrestled with tough questions about faith and science. Many students sit in science class, learning about physics, biology, and astronomy. The facts seem clear, and the theories make sense. But this leads to a struggle: How does my faith fit into this? Should I separate what I learn in class from what I believe? Do I have to reject science to stay true to my faith?

These are big questions, and they don’t just affect students; many adults wrestle with them as well. It can feel like science and faith are enemies, making it hard to know what to believe. But science and faith don’t have to be in conflict; they can work together. Science helps us understand how the world works, and faith helps us see the meaning behind it all.

One reason to believe in a Creator is the fine-tuning of the universe. Everything in our world is set up perfectly for life to exist. This amazing balance shows us that science and faith are not opposites but partners in discovering truth. Understanding this can help us make sense of big questions about life, the universe, and the God who made it all.

Faith Is Not Blind

Faith is not just believing something for no reason. Instead, it is trusting in something based on evidence. Faith in God is not a blind leap but a decision based on what we see in the world around us.

For example, we trust that the sun will rise every day because we have seen it happen over and over again. In the same way, we trust that God is real because of the evidence in nature, in our experiences, and in the Bible.

Hebrews 11:1 says, Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. This doesn’t mean we believe without reason. It means we trust in something that has strong evidence, even if we don’t fully understand it. Faith in God makes sense when we look at the world and see His work. It’s not about ignoring facts but realizing there’s more to the story than we can see right now.

The Fine Tuning of the Universe

The universe's fine-tuning is a great argument for an intelligent designer rather than random chance. This means that the universe's conditions are set up just right for life to exist.

Take gravity, for example. It is precisely balanced in a way that allows the universe to function and life to exist. Even slight changes could make a world like ours impossible.

Another example is Earth’s location in space. Earth is in what scientists call the "Goldilocks Zone.” It is not too hot and not too cold. If we were even a little closer to the sun, our planet would be too hot for water and life.  If we were a little farther, everything would freeze.

Water is essential for life, and while scientists have discovered water in various forms on other planets, Earth remains unique. Our planet has a supply of water that sustains life.

The fact that our planet has the perfect combination of conditions, such as gravity, the location of the earth, and life-sustaining water, points to a Creator who designed everything with purpose.

Science and Faith Work Together

Many people think science and faith are enemies, but they actually work together. Science helps us understand how things work, while faith gives us the deeper "why." Both are needed to understand the world fully.

Science explains how gravity works and why Earth is positioned for life but doesn’t answer why these things exist. Faith provides the answer: God designed the universe with intention and purpose.

Psalm 19:1 says, The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky above proclaims His handiwork. This means that the natural world itself points to a Creator. When we look at the stars, the galaxies, and our planet, we see evidence of God’s work. Science doesn’t disprove God; it actually reveals His amazing design.

The Role of Science in Faith

Many Christians appreciate science because it allows them to understand more about the world God made.

However, science has limits. It can explain how things work, but it cannot tell us why they exist. Science cannot answer questions like: What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Faith answers these deeper questions. It shows us that the fine-tuning of the universe is not a random accident but a sign of God’s design.

Romans 1:20 says, For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. This means that we can see evidence of God’s existence by studying nature. Science helps us explore creation, and faith helps us recognize the Creator.

The struggle between faith and science can feel real, especially when it seems like the two are at odds. However, science and faith can actually work together. Science shows us how the world functions, while faith reveals the deeper purpose behind it all. By embracing both, we gain a fuller understanding of creation and the Creator, seeing the wonder of God’s design with every new discovery.

Tags: faith, apologetics, science, tough questions

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