Prayer at Bay Life

Prayer is powerful and effective! We know that we serve a God who listens when we pray (Psalm 4:1, John 14:13-14), and we are committed to being a house of prayer (Isaiah 56:7, Matthew 21:13).

Midweek Prayer

Did you know that Bay Life Prayer Ministry meets most Wednesdays at noon in the Worship Center near the Prayer Room for an hour to pray for the needs of our church, our leaders, our staff, our community, prayer requests submitted throughout the week, and more. Enter the Worship Center through the overhang on the northwest side of the building. For more information, contact our Care Minsitry Coordinator, Clayton Welch

Prayer Walk

Join other Lifers in praying for our church & community by participating in our quarterly prayer walk.

Learn More

Prayer Room

If you need prayer before or during a weekend service, we have Prayer Partners ready to pray with and for you. Visit the Prayer Room in the back of the Worship Center during service.

Online Prayer Room

To chat with a Prayer Partner, join our live services on Sundays at 9 and 10:45am at, and click on "Request Prayer". Your prayers are private and confidential.

Digital Prayer Card

Fill out my online form.


Any time you or someone you know needs prayer, fill out our prayer request form or shoot an email to . We've got a team of prayer warriors on stand-by, ready to intercede on your behalf!

Pastor of the Day

If you would like to speak to a pastor about an urgent situation (prayer, loss of a loved one, etc.), the Pastor of the Day is available to you 24/7/365. Call him/her at 813.494.4707.

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