High School (9-12th Grade)
The wait is over. It’s time for our students to live out </em >their faith. It's time for them to realize that having a personal relationship with Christ doesn't mean keeping it to oneself. It's time for them to stand up for what's right, even if they might be standing alone. It's time they look to God for their satisfaction and approval and to worship Him...not just on Sundays, but in everything they do.
We want to see our students fully surrendered to Christ, owning their faith, serving Him, and serving others. The fact is, what your student does with these few years of high school could set the trajectory for the rest of his/her life. Let us help you guide your student in the way he/she should go.
Each week, students experience a combination of worship, games, a challenging message, and most importantly, interaction with a small group.
High School Ministry Services
Sundays | 6:30–8:30pm
High School Ministry has an in person service in the Student Center from 6:30-8:30pm on Sundays. Our services include group games, time of worship, sermon from our High School Pastor, and small group time.</span >
Questions? Contact the Student Ministry Coordinator at 813-661-3696 ext 247 or
Keep up with High School Ministry @ Bay Life
“Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.” Psalm 105:1
Our great God has created us to know Him and make Him known among the nations. Each year Bay Life Church sends out over 100 students and adults on trips to proclaim His name, share the gospel of Jesus Christ, and make known His great deeds among the nations for the glory of God. This year we will be offering our students the opportunity again to bring hope and new life to those in Texas and Mexico, as well as through our Kidapalooza missions team.
Support a Student
June 1 - 7, 2025
For Current 9th - 12th Graders
MAVEN's approach to mission trips is truly unique. Through immersive experiences, students will gain a deeper understanding of apologetics, theology, and evangelism, while learning to engage with those from the Mormon faith. Students will have plent of chances to dialogue with people of the Mormon faith at the Salt Lake City Temple, BYU or while serving in the community. Utah will deepend their knowledge of God and His Word like nothing else. This trip will deepen their knowledge of God and His Word like no other.
MAVEN’s Biblical Immersive Experience will deepen their knowledge of God and His Word like nothing else. And that knowledge will deepen their relationship with Christ and give them a love and compassion for people who need the true Gospel of Grace.
Support a Student
June 22 - 28, 2025
For Current 9th - 12th Graders
Servant Life partners in Houston to send American teams on short-term missions experiences to on of the most ethnically diverse regions of our country. We partner with a network of local churches that have joined together in a common mission to impact the city of Houston with the love of Christ. Our team will be partnered with one of several different churches in the Houston area. The ministry could include opportunities to help with Bible studies in apartment complexes, sports camps, street evangelism and even opportunities to serve the homeless. The team will get to minister to a very culturally diverse area that includes people from all over the world including Central America, Nigeria, India, the Congo, Mexico and Korea, to name a few.
Support a Student
July 5 - 12, 2025
For Current 9th - 12th Graders
Servant Life mobilizes groups on gospel-centered, Christ-focused, short-term missin trips designed to support the strategic, long-term ministry of missionaries and churches around the world. Their aim is to connect students’ love for God to the nations through His Word and His Spirit. Teams on this trip will be staying at the campgrounds and working as part of the camp staff to host Costa Rican students in a service-oriented role. Students will be working as part of the daily camp routine and may potentially help with anything related to the youth camp or facilities.
Support a Student
June 2 - 5 & June 8 - 13, 2025
For Current 6th - 12th Graders
Kidapalooza is our Church’s wild and crazy Vacation Bible School for our Elementary students. This Missions team will be the engine behind Kidapalooza (KPA) for elementary kids and KPA Jr. which is specifically designed for kids who are just entering and leaving kindergarten. Our team will plan, prepare, and execute KPA Junior on Tuesday - Thursday, June 3 - 5. This all culminates in an all-out blitz on Sunday, June 7th, to set up all that is necessary for Kidapalooza 2025 on June 8-13. During Kidapalooza, our students will get to be Jesus’s hands and feet to support the gospel going to the children of our community.
2025 HSM Summer Camp
Details Pending
Are you ready? You better get ready quick... because BEACH CAMP 2025 is coming and there is no stopping it! Join Bay Life High School Ministry for an epic long weekend away for all of our high school students and their friends! HSM Camp is a weekend away for students to unplug from technology and plug into relationships with friends and God. Students will find themselves immersed in camp games, activities and sports, small groups, food, Bible teaching and worship.
2025 Camp Registration Coming Soon
Leader Regisration Coming Soon
Questions? Contact Student Ministries at 813-661-3696 ext 247 or </span >