Welcome neighbor! Thank you for stopping by this page to give us your feedback.

Quick backstory - several years ago, we were approached by a company to partner with them to put up a cell tower on our property. This partnership appealed to us at the time since there were (and are) multiple places on our campus where we did not (and still do not) have cell reception. As we researched it, we found that we needed a buffer of 300 feet from any home. We also realized we could serve the community by putting this up since we had one of the largest plots of land in the area to be able to achieve the required setback and many of our neighbors also have poor cell reception. We told the company to investigate the feasibility of putting the tower in the corner of our back retention pond. After signing the agreement, we did not hear anything for several years and thought the project was dead.

We recently received notice they were moving forward and that we needed a special use permit because our land is zoned agricultural, and one of the setbacks was 288 feet instead of 300. While the permit has been granted by the county, it has come to our attention that some neighbors disapprove of a cell tower going up on our property even though their homes are outside the county’s required buffer.

We wanted a chance to hear from you about the reasons why you may be for or against the tower before we move forward with the project.

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